There are a few concerns about I have over the corporate governance and transparency standards at the City of Bayswater. One of the core components of good governance is the proper disclosure of interests.
Continue reading Governance takes a diveThere are a few concerns about I have over the corporate governance and transparency standards at the City of Bayswater. One of the core components of good governance is the proper disclosure of interests.
Continue reading Governance takes a diveBy now people should be aware that council rates in the City of Bayswater will increase by an average 4.95%. That doesn’t concern me; but the use of debt does.
Continue reading The City of Bayswater DebtAs always happens soon after an election, the newly configured council meet and vote for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the City of Bayswater. The result from last night’s Special Council Meeting shows there has been a shift in power, and that shift will likely lead to significant changes for the City.
Continue reading A Shift in PowerWhatever the election outcome, it is going to be ugly for the Liberal Party of WA. Unfortunately, the Liberal power brokers occupy the number 1 spots on the Legislative Committee, so will be okay. It’s everyone else who will be shafted. And when I say everyone else, I mean us. The people.
Continue reading The Liberal Wipe-Out of 2021It is hard to believe, but in WA there already exists the power to forcefully administer vaccinations.
Continue reading Compulsory VaccinationsWhilst some West Australians are criticising our Prime Minister for his Liberal government’s handling on climate change, they should also take the opportunity to focus on the McGowan State Labor government.
Continue reading Climate Change & Mark McGowanA recent Joint Development Assessment Panel (DAP) vote really shows that DAPs are a law unto themselves, and that urgent action is required from Minister Rita Saffioti and the State Labor government to reign them in.
Continue reading Joint Development Assessment Panel – FailOther than my family, the thing I am most proud of is being elected to the City of Bayswater council in 2011 and then re-elected in 2015. I thank the Central Ward residents and ratepayers for the step of faith they gave me in 2011 , and then their endorsement of my work in 2015. Eight years is a long time though, and I won’t be seeking re-election in 2019.
Continue reading Cornish OutIf you thought this was a standard crossover/driveway, you’d be wrong. In a first for the City of Bayswater, and most other localities, this crossover is made from recycled concrete.
Continue reading Recycled ConcreteOn the 31st May 2019, the City received notification from the State Minister for Planning and Transport, Rita Saffioti MLA, that she has commenced the process for Bayswater to be incorporated into the Midland Redevelopment Area.
Continue reading Metronet East Project & BayswaterCommunicating with government can be hard; so hard that most people just can’t be bothered.
I really suggest you download this app.
Continue reading Snap Send SolveMorley visitors would be familiar with this “Seal fountain”, and also the seals dotted around the place. Probably not familiar with the history and story behind them though.
Continue reading The Morley Seal SculpturesI was pleased to have received this the other day. It is the culmination of two years of study and the course content is as relevant to Local Governments as it is to corporations. I want to share one ‘Corporate Governance 101’ message from it.
Continue reading Corporate Governance & Local GovernmentWe have a number of great clubs within the City of Bayswater and one of them is the prestigious ANA Rowing Club. ANA run an annual ‘Learn To Row’ regatta, and this year a team of Councillors participated – The Council Oars.
Continue reading ANA Rowing – Learn To Row