At the official opening of the Bayswater Community Garden – with fellow Cr’s Sally Palmer & Dan Bull, and Bayswater Bowling Club president Steve Lay & Costa. 30 August 2017:
Interview with ABC Radio on the widely acknowledged City of Bayswater verge garden rules. 29 August 2017:
Showing the Urban Food Street co-founders, Duncan & Caroline, some of the verge gardens in the City of Bayswater. 29 August 2017:
Announcing that a Bedford Bowling Club green will be named after local legend Cliff Graybrook. 8 October 2016:
Supporting the ‘Residents Rally’ held at Parliament House in protest to the EPA’s decision not to conduct an environmental assessment of the proposed concrete batching plant in Bayswater. 7 April 2016 :
Handing out water-wise plants at the ‘Councillors Corner’. Autumn River Festival, 3 April 2016:
The ‘Council Oars’ rowing crew finished second in ANA Rowing Club’s annual “Learn to Row” regatta. With Cr’s Ehrhardt, Bull & McKenna, 13 March 2016:
Presenting an award at Weld Square Primary School’s graduation ceremony. 11 December 2016:
Helping the community surrounding Margaret Reserve plan how to introduce an ‘edible garden’. 26 July 2015:
Joining in with members of the community for a planting day at Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary. Plenty of weeding was done and over 3,000 plants were put in the ground. 25 July 2015:
Attending LACE’s end of Maylands Markets season function. Pictured with Grant Rae who is the husband of Catherine Ehrhardt. Catherine is the driving force behind the hugely popular Maylands Markets. 31 March 2015:
Helping out at the ‘Kouncillor Kitchen’ where free watermelon is handed out at the Autumn River Festival. With fellow Councillor Alan Radford. 29 March 2014:
I introduced a group of Maylands residents to Bayswater’s Greg Smith. They are interested in replicating an ‘edible garden’ in their local park. 15 March 2015:
(Picture: Marcus Whisson from the Eastern Reporter)
I was honoured to be asked to be a ‘Ms WA Valentine’ judge. Rather than a pic of me I thought one of the contestants would be better. 14 February 2015:
Helping fellow Councillor Martin Toldo with his fundraising efforts at the Maylands Markets. 10 January 2015:
This is from the Weld Square Primary School newsletter. Councillors often attend school ceremonies such as Graduations, Anzac Day etc and ad hoc ones like this was. 21 November 2014:
At Bayswater City Soccer Club’s Annual Ball presenting the ‘Golden Boot’ award to the very talented David Heagney. Bayswater City made history by winning all four competitions this year. 8 November 2014:
With my eldest son Peter, helping out the Baigup Wetlands Interest Group on one of their weeding and planting days. 26 October 2014:
(Picture: P. Lee)
Meeting with concerned residents, and Lisa Baker MLA, to discuss their concerns at Rycroft Reserve. 25 September 2014:
At the 2014 Avon Descent handing out medallions. The City of Bayswater is a strong supporter of this event and the Councillors greet the competitors as they cross the finish line at Riverside Gardens, 3rd August 2014:
With Cr Martin Toldo presenting the winner of the Embleton Social Golf Club’s annual competition. The social club has been in existence for 49 years. 30 March 2014:
At the EMRC’s biennial Annual Dinner. With Frank Alban MLA, Shauna Alban and Della Cornish. 29 March 2014:
At the Autumn River Festival serving free watermelon. It has become a tradition that Councillors work at the ‘Kouncillors Kitchen’ during this festival, 7 April 2013:
Attending the opening of a BBQ at Bardon Park which was built by Outcare Youth. Pictured with Sam Mesiti, the manager of Outcare, and one of the kids who is working hard to improve their life. Outcare is an extremely worthwhile and much needed organisation making real differences in the lives of young people, 13 February 2013:
With Glen Cookson (Principal at Weld Square Primary School) and Peter Lorbeer (Head of Shell Legal) after a Shell/Blueearth Celebration Ceremony. 20 November 2012:
WALGA President Troy Pickard presenting me with my Diploma in Local Government (Elected Member), 17 September 2012:
At the 2013 CEBA Business Awards with fellow Cr’s Sonia Turkington, Terry Kenyon and Graham Pittaway. Second from right is CEBA President Bernie Foley. 16 August 2013:
Agreeing with Premier Barnett that the City of Bayswater is an excellent place:
Planting trees with Cr Sabatino at Weld Square Primary School, 2 July 2012: