Our Councillors are elected by the constituents of the City of Bayswater. Chris therefore believes it is essential that every ratepayer is heard and that their views are valued and respected. As such please get in touch with him with any concerns you may have with how the Council is currently being run, or any thoughts on how it could be run better.

The policies which Chris stood for in 2011 can be found here.


Increase leisure activities within Central Ward – Four years ago I moved that the Circus Joseph Ashton come to Central Ward. Over the next four years I will ensure that more activities come to Central Ward. Things like film festivals, night markets and concerts.

Make Morley a tree-lined walkable City – My work on getting more trees planted within the City of Bayswater is widely known, as is my work on protecting our existing tree stock. Things are just getting started and much more needs to be done. I will deliver more trees and better footpaths in Central Ward.

Responsible & sustainable spending – A truism is that you shouldn’t spend more than you earn. The same thing applies for business and government. After an asset sale it is tempting to “eat” into the money in order to produce lower rates. This is not sustainable as soon enough all the money is gone and you’ll either need to sell more assets or go into debt.

Too many candidates run for council with a claim of keeping rate increases to CPI or less, however rates can only be kept low by keeping costs low. Chris will continue use his financial background to find cost reductions which will not unduly impact services.

Manageable, liveable & sustainable development rules – My work on combating unsuitable developments within the City is well known.  I received numerous complaints about unsuitable blocks of flats appearing around the City and did something about it. I will continue to push for developments which don’t negatively impact neighbours or neighbourhoods.

Stronger recognition of volunteers within the City – Volunteers are the backbone of the community. Whether it be the person who donates their time at the local sporting club or someone who does meals on wheels, they deserve recognition and thanks. I will ensure that this occurs.

For your information, I am an unpaid board member at Hampton Senior High School.. I also do the student school banking co-ordinator at my children’s school which is a weekly commitment. For the last 10 years I have been a volunteer at a soup kitchen.

Greater community consultation on everything – As a Councillor, I am here to serve you. I strongly believe that community need to be involved on issues which impact their lives. It is for this reason that I personally funded over $10,000 of mail-outs to Central Ward residents – you have a right to know what is going on and a right to have a say.

I ‘Walk the Talk’

Focused on building the City of Bayswater into a vibrant, safe and united community.