The City has now started planting street trees which have been requested from residents via the free street tree request form. If you’re one of the residents who requested a street tree, let me tell you about some of the care which goes into the planting.
The City is fortunate to employ one of the most respected Consulting Arborists in local government. Mark Short joined the City about 6 months ago as part of the City’s commitment to increasing, and protecting, the urban tree canopy. He is one cog in the machine which has been working very hard over the last few years to transform our streetscapes. And he’s been very busy.
To mark the start of the street tree plantings for this season, he gathered all the relevant staff and contractors early this morning to show them how he wants the trees planted. Elementary you may say, but without a uniform approach based on best practice, the tree put in the ground today may not survive. One of the biggest concerns is defective root systems; one expert even predicts that 9 out of 10 trees planted by local governments will never mature. This can not be allowed to happen. So paying more to get better tree stock where the supply chain has been thoroughly investigated, and also ensuring the roots are inspected when planted, is essential.
From the depth and width of the hole being twice the size of the pot; to having the best side of the tree facing the road; to straightening out, or cutting off, any circling roots; to the water basin; the staking & tying etc he went through it all.
Pics: root check, staking, clean up
This tree tag is a new creation from the Environmental team who thought that as these trees are going to residents who have specifically requested one, things should be personalised a little. A nice touch I think.
I hope that if you come home and find a street tree on your verge, you’ll know that a lot of care and commitment has gone into the selection and planting of the tree.
For anyone who doesn’t yet have a street tree, the form to request one is here. With so many local governments planting trees, there is a shortage of appropriate species and good quality stock, so the earlier you get the form to the City the better.
Power to the People.
(Please be aware that these views are my own and have not been endorsed by the City of Bayswater)