Tag Archives: concrete batching plant

Concrete Batching Plant – Bayswater

Batching Plant(Picture used for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the proposed plant)

Further to my earlier blog post requesting people to make a submission to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), unfortunately the EPA have decided that whilst the proposed concrete batching plant “raises a number of environmental issues … the overall environmental impact … is not so significant as to require an assessment by the EPA”. This is a poor decision in the eyes of the community who will have to live near the proposed noxious industry. There is still hope though.  Continue reading Concrete Batching Plant – Bayswater

Concrete Batching Plant

Batching Plant(Picture used for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the proposed plant)

Would you like something like this within approximately 220 metres of your house? I didn’t think so, especially as it is classed a “noxious industry”. Yet this is the prospect a number of Central Ward residents, and businesses, now face. You can do something to help them though. Please help them. Continue reading Concrete Batching Plant